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Linoleum stamp carving workshop

A three-hour session

From the floor to the walls of the museum.
This technique, which belongs to a group known as ballet printing, is a variation on woodcuts.


A one-time workshop in which we will learn the basics of the technique from preparing the cutting surfaces, through the correct cutting of the image, knowing the tools and how to use them, and of course, the manual printing. Use of acrylic-based paints for printing on textiles, fabrics and paper.


Stamped paper and textile printing is an age-old printing technique that is still used in the East, India and China in particular. Originally, the technique was applied using hand-carved wooden seals. During the workshop we will learn and get to know linoleum as the raw material from which we will make the stamps, processing and carving techniques for creating the stamp.


The workshop is open to both professional and amateur audiences, no previous knowledge or experience is required.


- Can be purchased as a gift voucher

The kit of materials can be purchased in the studio

הסדנה מתקיימת מידי שבוע
ההרשמה אישית וללא תלות בקבוצה

שני 12:00-15:00 * שלישי 11:00-14:00 * חמישי 15:00-18:00
*אחת לחודש גם ביום שישי - פרטים בוואטאפ*

לוח סדנאות 2024.jpeg
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